Dining Locations at Disney's Epcot Center

Epcot Center Dining
Dining Locations at Disney's Epcot Center
To find the best place to eat at Disney's Epcot Center Theme Park, click the "score" button below. The current average score for Disney's Epcot Center Theme Park is 66 based on a total of 45 reviews in our system. To view a collection of dining, event and food photos taken at Disney's Epcot Center Theme Park, check out our Photo Gallery page.
locations : 52
reviews : 45
average score : 66
Photo Gallery : 531
location name
meal period
Table Service - Prix Fixe Menu
Grab-and-Go Counter
Lounge or Bar
Character Dining - Family Style
Signature - Prix Fixe Menu
Table Service - Small Plates
Lounge or Bar - Enhanced Menu
Counter Service (quick service)
Kiosk or Cart
Special Event, Buffet
Signature - Fine Dining
Table Service (wait staff)
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