The Wave Lunch
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The Wave Lunch

The Wave Lunch Reviews and Photos


Table Service (wait staff)
$13-29 per entree*
Unless you’re arriving right at peak “lunch” time (12pm-1pm) the Wave’s lunch period can be a bit quieter than at some other resort-based locations. Even though it’s on the ground floor lobby of the Contemporary, it seems to be a bit of a hidden gem for lunch (unless there’s a big convention in town and making use of the Contemporary’s convention space). The dining area itself has a business casual feel.

The American menu features many organic and natural items that are said to be “locally and regionally sourced”. In execution, the small lunch menu is well balanced with healthful flourishes here and there (i.e. seasonally roasted vegetables, seedy bread with the sandwiches, grass-fed meats, etc.).

There are a few organic beers on tap, which is fun for beer lovers. The nearby “Wave Lounge” provides new world wines and specialty cocktails to the Wave’s lunch menu.
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(*) Price ranges listed are the average cost for one main entree and one soft beverage item, unless otherwise stated. There are many combinations of appetizers, deserts and drinks that will add to your final total. Many parks also use seasonal pricing systems which result in food and beverage costs increasing at peak times. Please check with the location that you are interested in for specific pricing information.