Tortuga Tavern
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Tortuga Tavern

Tortuga Tavern Reviews and Photos

MAGIC KINGDOM | Lunch, Dinner | Photos (2)

Counter Service (quick service)
$5-14 per entree*
Adventureland’s Tortuga Tavern is a quick service location that features Mexican fare. While the exterior of the building itself has a few nice South of the Border features, you can’t really see any of them while seated at the few interior and outdoor (but covered) tables. Any detailing you can see while eating, is picked up from the quasi adjoining Pecos Bill’s and Pirate’s area in general.

Mexican-American eats include burritos, nachos, and taco salad with chicken, beef or vegetarian options. There is also a toppings bar for adding more accents to your selections.
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(*) Price ranges listed are the average cost for one main entree and one soft beverage item, unless otherwise stated. There are many combinations of appetizers, deserts and drinks that will add to your final total. Many parks also use seasonal pricing systems which result in food and beverage costs increasing at peak times. Please check with the location that you are interested in for specific pricing information.