Christmas Celebration – SeaWorld Orlando

Saturday, November 16, 2024 — Thursday, January 5, 2025 (On Select Dates Only)
previous articles

Sounds of the Season Performance Series Schedule 2021

There's a whole new holiday show at SeaWorld this year called the Sounds of the Season Performance Series!!! As far as I can tell — each concert will take place once or twice on each of the Christmas Celebration event dates — please see our Event Dates Calendar on the Christmas Celebration home page (click here). These special concerts and theatrical performances will take place in the Nautilus Theater and the artists and group appearing will change a little bit from day to day. A complete ... ( read more ... )

SeaWorld Christmas Celebration Walkabout Day One 2021

SeaWorld's Christmas Celebration has been going on for quite a few years now, and one of my favorite things about the festival is (naturally) the food booths... but also the pretty lights and various entertainment packages that have been part of the festival. The weather is generally a little cooler this time of year, and for me... it's the perfect "stroll around and sample food and beverage items" temperature!  Returning this year are the very popular (and cost saving) Sampler Lanyards. Like ... ( read more ... )

Things to do at SeaWorld Orlando's Christmas Celebration 2021

Holly Jolly Santa — there's a whole lot of Christmas going on over at SeaWorld this year! I thought I'd put together a separate post here for all the non-food things that are happening at this year's Christmas Celebration event. If you would like to see all of the food and beverage offerings, I've posted a separate article called "Menu Items for the 2021 Christmas Celebration". There is an event calendar link on our main page for the festival (click here)... while most event days are Friday, ... ( read more ... )

Menu Items for the 2021 Christmas Celebration at SeaWorld, Orlando (Text List)

SeaWorld Orlando's Christmas Celebration begins on Friday, November 12, 2021 and takes place on select dates until January 2, 2021. There are all kinds of festive holiday offering this year including special stage shows, a brand new performance series, nightly snow flurries, holiday lights, fireworks, and of course — holiday food and beverages!The Christmas Celebration Tasting and Brew Sampler Lanyard is back this year, and it's a great way to try the food and beverage samples that the festival has ... ( read more ... )

Food & Beverage Items for the 2020 Christmas Celebration at SeaWorld, Orlando (Text List)

SeaWorld Orlando's Christmas Celebration begins on Saturday, November 14th, 2020 and takes place on weekend dates and quite a few weekday dates as well this year — all the way until December 31st, 2020! (Check out the official SeaWorld calendar for the most up to date information.) All social distancing guidelines are still in place for this year's festival. In order to help control capacity levels, you will need park reservations in addition to admission to gain access to all the holiday ... ( read more ... )

SeaWorld Christmas Celebration Festival Food Walkaround

Yikes, how did the holidays sneak up so fast this year? SeaWorld Orlando has quickly changed over from their very short Craft Beer Festival to their annual "SeaWorld Christmas Celebration Festival" … and we love it … because there's food and hot toddies and so much more! It seems like just last year we took a stroll around… oh wait… it was last year… my how time flies! It's going to be a couple days before I get out to SeaWorld's Christmas Celebration this year, so I thought ... ( read more ... )