Mango Joe's Review

SEAWORLD ORLANDO | Lunch, Dinner, Light Snack
DINING PERIOD CLOSED | This listing is for historical reference only.
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Mango Joe's

SEAWORLD ORLANDO | Lunch, Dinner, Light Snack
Counter Service (quick service)
Sandwich and Salad
$6-15 per entree**
SeaWorld Orlando's "Mango Joe's" is one of those locations where you just expect to find the same-old burgers and fries or hot dogs. Those things are available but there's a three-item "salad and sandwich" menu that's quite refreshing to see at an in-park fast-food dining spot.

Today we're looking at the Turkey & Ham Stack Sandwich which is… stacked, but laying down with a giant wooden skewer through the middle of it, to keep the whole sandwich together. Wheat bread with turkey and ham, a fairly mild American-like yellow cheese, lettuce and tomato make up the layers. Small packets of mayo and mustard are available, but as far as I could tell, the sandwich was made "dry". The side item here is a cup of potato salad.

It is a whole sandwich, cut in fours, and poked together to form a giant sandwich triangle. There' nothing in the large (definitely shareable) sandwich platter that will make you say "wow, I'll need to get another one of those on my next visit". It's a sandwich that we've all had at one time or another and are probably familiar with the flavors and textures. It's just nice to see something so un-fried and fresh-made as the sandwich was.

Things to look out for… well as I said, this one is served "dry" so for those of you (and I'm one on them) that like a little mayo on your sandwiches, you'll have to mess with a tiny packet of squeezable mayo. That's not much fun. I also have to say, SeaWorld lettuce seems to be oddly dry (but green) at just about every location that uses lettuce. It's what I would call "display" lettuce.

All in all, I think I have now tried all the specialty "salad and sandwich" options at Mango Joe's. The winning item here (for me anyway) would still be the Chunky Chicken Salad Sandwich with Curry Dressing on a Croissant. It's the one item that I would totally re-order and had a bit of that "wow" factor I'm always looking for.
This review posted on Thursday, September 15, 2016

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