Geo 82

Photo Gallery for Geo 82

EPCOT  | There are 0 Reviews for Geo 82
Lounge or Bar - Enhanced Menu | Click on any image to view larger.
The Geo 82 listing is a Lounge or Bar - Enhanced Menu dining location at Epcot featuring Wine, Beer, Spirits or Beverages, Small Plates and Tapas Style cuisine. There are 1 photos in the Mealtrip photo gallery for this location and dining period. The Geo 82 listing currently has a score of out of 100. Click here to read all of the reviews for this location, or log in to to add your own review for Geo 82.
We currently only have one rendering of the lounge's interior from Disney — which kind of makes me think someone typed in "brown modern" at Wayfair and used up all their rewards points — but the actual space we get, rarely matches early renderings, so there's hope yet. (Image Copyright Disney), Geo 82, Epcot
We currently only have one rendering of the lounge's interior from Disney — which kind of makes me think someone typed in "brown modern" at Wayfair and used up all their rewards points — but the actual space we get, rarely matches early renderings, so there's hope yet. (Image Copyright Disney)