There's a couple different answers to this question. Naturally, you have to get into SeaWorld first — that's outside the scope of this article. While SeaWorld does have a high single day-ticket price, they run sales a couple times a year to make that a little more affordable. They also have a great Fun Card and Annual Pass system that really does save if you're going to visit multiple times in a one year period.
As far as getting to see one of the special festival concerts — those are free for anyone that's in the park that day. There are a couple levels of additional-cost, reserved seating if you want to get really close to the action. However, the two main concert venues at SeaWorld are really spacious and even the "free" seats, offer great viewing and sound quality.
Food and brew-wise — once you're in SeaWorld, there's a couple different ways to purchase food and beverage samples at the Bands, Brew, and BBQ Festival — some are quite a bit better than others.
À la Carte and Out-of-Pocket Food and Beverages
The first, is "a la carte / out of pocket" pricing — basically this means just walking up to a Bands, Brew, and BBQ Festival kiosk and paying for one or two things based on the menu board prices.

Buying food and beverages at the festival "a la carte" or out of pocket means that you pay the price that's posted on the menu board near each food booth. While you will still get an Annual Passholder discount, sales tax and a SeaWorld "surcharge" fee is added to every order. At the 2024 festival, this Pulled Pork Sandwich is listed as being $11.99. Plus the 7.75% sales tax and plus SeaWorld's 5% "surcharge" fee, that comes out to $13.52 — for this one sandwich.
Honestly, if you're only going to get one or two samples, this is a great option — but if you're going to get three or four things, you're probably better off getting a "Sampler Lanyard" (more on those below). The individual menu board prices are pretty high for what you get. The sample prices are a little cheaper than getting an entree at a SeaWorld restaurant, but the portion size is definitely smaller as well. Paying the full retail menu prices for festival food at SeaWorld will add up very quickly.
If you're paying the "a la carte / out of pocket" menu board prices — any annual pass discounts you might have do apply, so make sure to have those annual passes ready when you order food. However, there is sales tax and a SeaWorld "service fee" that's added back onto the final price of each item. Additionally, I've been asked if I want to "tip" at each booth as well, after each transaction.
The Sampler Lanyard

SeaWorld has a great festival Sampler Lanyard system. The Sampler Lanyards are these little plastic cards that are attached to a lanyard (rope) that you can wear around your neck.
So what's a better way to pay? SeaWorld has this great Sampler Lanyard system which ends up being a pretty great deal if you plan on purchasing at least five (or more) food and beverage items from the Bands, Brew, and BBQ Festival booths.
The Sampler Lanyard is a plastic punch card that has a barcode on the back and comes with a free lanyard so you can wear it around your neck. The whole idea is, you can pre-purchase a number of samples at once — for a discount, when compared to paying the full menu price. The more samples you pre-purchase this way ... the less expensive each food and beverage sample ends up being.
You can just walk up to any of the Bands, Brew, and BBQ Festival booths, order a food or beverage item… and the cast member will scan the barcode on the back of your Sampler Lanyard and "punch out" one of the entitlement numbers on the front. Once all of the numbers are "punched out" — you know there's no more sample entitlements left on that Sampler Lanyard.
There's usually two different Sampler Lanyards available for each festival… maybe a 6-Item or 8-Item Lanyard along with a larger 10 or 12-Item Lanyard. Annual Passholders usually can get the larger Sampler Lanyard with a couple of additional "free" samples on it — so something like "12 samples for the price of 10", for example.
All of the Sampler Lanyards cost less than what you would pay individually for 6, 8, 10, or 12 food or beverage samples at the festival. The larger 10, 12, or 15 Sampler Lanyards end up costing around 40-45% less than paying for each item, one at a time.

After the state sales tax and SeaWorld's surcharge fee, the actual cost of this slider is $13.52 — but with a 12 punch Sampler Lanyard, (which gets you 12 samples for $85.73) — the cost of the same slider calculates out to being just $7.14. That's around 46% less than paying full price for the items one at a time.
The Sampler Lanyard can be shared between your party … so that person number one, two, and three, can get three different things at any particular booth, and three "punches" will taken out of your Sampler Lanyard.
Each Sampler Lanyard is also good for the duration of the festival (but it's not still valid for next year's festival) — so you don't even have to use all your sampler entitlements on a single day visit. This is great news for Annual Passholders and honestly — it's one of the best perks. It's really fun getting to visit the festival on multiple occasions and getting a couple beers and a couple food items… each time you visit!
A Note About Drink Samples with the Sampler Lanyard
It's worth a quick note, that most full-price beer and cocktail beverages (unless otherwise noted) purchased at the full festival menu board prices — are generally served in a 20oz cup (give or take)… while those same beverages, purchased with the Sampler Lanyard are served in a 7oz cup.
Wine and hard liquor cups, (like the tequila samples), are completely different sizes... and are generally smaller. It's a good idea to ask, and see the cup size first ... if you're interested in one of those beverages.
Personally, I find the 7oz samples nice, because I can try a couple different beers for relatively the same price as one large beer. If you drink a lot of beer though — money-wise, you're probably better off purchasing the 20oz beer at full menu price and not using the Sampler Lanyard.