Ronto Roasters

Photo Gallery for Ronto Roasters

HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS  | There are 0 Reviews for Ronto Roasters
Counter Service (quick service) | Click on any image to view larger.
The Ronto Roasters listing is a Counter Service (quick service) dining location at Hollywood Studios featuring American cuisine. There are 3 photos in the Mealtrip photo gallery for this location and dining period. The Ronto Roasters listing currently has a score of out of 100. Click here to read all of the reviews for this location, or log in to to add your own review for Ronto Roasters.
I normally use a logo sign as the first image in a restaurant listing, but this is the closest thing I could find for Ronto Roasters — which shows just how complete the detailing is in StarWars Land., Ronto Roasters, Hollywood Studios
I normally use a logo sign as the first image in a restaurant listing, but this is the closest thing I could find for Ronto Roasters — which shows just how complete the detailing is in StarWars Land.
There's actually a couple different entrances to the Ronto Roasters order and food pickup area, but this is the largest, so I'm calling it the "main" entrance., Ronto Roasters, Hollywood Studios
There's actually a couple different entrances to the Ronto Roasters order and food pickup area, but this is the largest, so I'm calling it the "main" entrance.
The food pickup counter at Ronto Roasters is not very large by "counter service" standards, but I think the location was meant to be more of a "grab and go" or kiosk type of establishment., Ronto Roasters, Hollywood Studios
The food pickup counter at Ronto Roasters is not very large by "counter service" standards, but I think the location was meant to be more of a "grab and go" or kiosk type of establishment.