California Grill Dinner

Photo Gallery for California Grill Dinner

DISNEY'S CONTEMPORARY RESORT  | There is 1 Review for California Grill Dinner
Signature - Fine Dining | Click on any image to view larger.
The California Grill Dinner listing is a Signature - Fine Dining dining location at Disney's Contemporary Resort featuring American and Sushi cuisine. There are 8 photos in the Mealtrip photo gallery for this location and dining period. The California Grill Dinner listing currently has a score of 90 out of 100. Click here to read all of the reviews for this location, or log in to to add your own review for California Grill Dinner.
The check-in desk for dinner at the California Grill is located on a different floor than the restaurant itself., California Grill Dinner, Disney's Contemporary Resort
The check-in desk for dinner at the California Grill is located on a different floor than the restaurant itself.
The California Grill dining room as seen from the "lounge" area, looking south., California Grill Dinner, Disney's Contemporary Resort
The California Grill dining room as seen from the "lounge" area, looking south.
Looking north across the long California Grill dining room close to sunset., California Grill Dinner, Disney's Contemporary Resort
Looking north across the long California Grill dining room close to sunset.
The great hallway of wine at California Grill. The access elevators are on the left-hand side of this photo, so that when the elevator door opens, the first thing you see is all that wine!, California Grill Dinner, Disney's Contemporary Resort
The great hallway of wine at California Grill. The access elevators are on the left-hand side of this photo, so that when the elevator door opens, the first thing you see is all that wine!
There's never a tedious sunset at California Grill. Even when there's no clouds, it's still really amazing. The Grand Floridian Resort is off in the distance., California Grill Dinner, Disney's Contemporary Resort
There's never a tedious sunset at California Grill. Even when there's no clouds, it's still really amazing. The Grand Floridian Resort is off in the distance.
The "firework observation deck" for California Grill is located on the Magic Kingdom side. You can see the spire "Cinderella Castle" to the far left in this photo (it's purple, just under the two fireworks)., California Grill Dinner, Disney's Contemporary Resort
The "firework observation deck" for California Grill is located on the Magic Kingdom side. You can see the spire "Cinderella Castle" to the far left in this photo (it's purple, just under the two fireworks).
There is plenty of room for everyone on the observation deck at the California Grill., California Grill Dinner, Disney's Contemporary Resort
There is plenty of room for everyone on the observation deck at the California Grill.
The observation deck at California Grill offers a very unique view of the fireworks over the Magic Kingdom., California Grill Dinner, Disney's Contemporary Resort
The observation deck at California Grill offers a very unique view of the fireworks over the Magic Kingdom.