Garden Gate Cafe
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Garden Gate Cafe

Garden Gate Cafe Reviews and Photos

BUSCH GARDENS TAMPA | Light Snack | Photos (1)

Counter Service (quick service)
Wine, Beer, Spirits or Beverages
$6-15 per entree*
The Garden Gate Cafe is located in the “Bird Gardens” area of Busch Gardens, in the same building that used to be the “Hospitality House”. The building itself is significant because it was one of the first structures (built in 1959) in what would become the Busch Gardens Theme Park. Designed by William Harvard, the design is a great example of “modern” architecture as it was thought of in the early 60’s.

This was also the last stop of a tour of the Busch brewing facility, where you could pick up a free sample of Budweiser beer. The tradition of free beers was put to rest in 2009 when InBev took over the struggling brewery.

Today, guests can enjoy a lakeside view with a few craft brews, specialty wines, ice-cold soft drinks and snacks. Beer and wine flights are also available. Keep in mind though, the location is now open weekends only.

The real treat for us though, is getting to sit inside and admire the 1960’s architecture  You won’t find too many buildings like this around any more, and we’re glad to see that it’s being preserved.
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(*) Price ranges listed are the average cost for one main entree and one soft beverage item, unless otherwise stated. There are many combinations of appetizers, deserts and drinks that will add to your final total. Many parks also use seasonal pricing systems which result in food and beverage costs increasing at peak times. Please check with the location that you are interested in for specific pricing information.