Wine Bar George

Photo Gallery for Wine Bar George

DISNEY SPRINGS  | There is 1 Review for Wine Bar George
Table Service (wait staff) | Click on any image to view larger.
The Wine Bar George listing is a Table Service (wait staff) dining location at Disney Springs featuring American, Wine, Beer, Spirits or Beverage-based cuisine. There are 12 photos in the Mealtrip photo gallery for this location and dining period. The Wine Bar George listing currently has a score of 61 out of 100. Click here to read all of the reviews for this location, or log in to to add your own review for Wine Bar George.
The exterior of Wine Bar George., Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
The exterior of Wine Bar George.
The Family-style Skirt Steak Plate (serves 2-4 guests), at Wine Bar George., Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
The Family-style Skirt Steak Plate (serves 2-4 guests), at Wine Bar George.
The Skirt Steak at Wine Bar George is plated with Roasted Potatoes, Chimichurri, and "seasonal vegetables" (which in this case, was asparagus)., Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
The Skirt Steak at Wine Bar George is plated with Roasted Potatoes, Chimichurri, and "seasonal vegetables" (which in this case, was asparagus).
The chimichurri on the Skirt Steak family-style plate was well-balanced, and not just full of garlic, like some street-food chimichurri's can be., Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
The chimichurri on the Skirt Steak family-style plate was well-balanced, and not just full of garlic, like some street-food chimichurri's can be.
There was enough food on the Family-style plate to make four or five personal plates, that contain about this much food., Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
There was enough food on the Family-style plate to make four or five personal plates, that contain about this much food.
The steak was flavorful, but not "lean", as a proper skirt steak should be. A great steak to pair with red wines., Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
The steak was flavorful, but not "lean", as a proper skirt steak should be. A great steak to pair with red wines.
The "Grilled Whole Greek Sea Bass" Family-style Plate is served with Cannellini Bean Ragout, and Seasonal Vegetables (asparagus is pictured here)., Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
The "Grilled Whole Greek Sea Bass" Family-style Plate is served with Cannellini Bean Ragout, and Seasonal Vegetables (asparagus is pictured here).
And did I mention... the "whole" fish is deboned... table-side!!! (In addition to taking away the bone, they did offer to take the head and tail away as well.), Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
And did I mention... the "whole" fish is deboned... table-side!!! (In addition to taking away the bone, they did offer to take the head and tail away as well.)
Awe, poor fishy, doesn't quite look quite the same... but so much easier to eat without the bone. (I think most guests probably let them take the head and tail, along with the bones.), Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
Awe, poor fishy, doesn't quite look quite the same... but so much easier to eat without the bone. (I think most guests probably let them take the head and tail, along with the bones.)
Just like with the Skirt Steak entry, we were able to get around five personal plates that are about this size, from the family-style plate., Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
Just like with the Skirt Steak entry, we were able to get around five personal plates that are about this size, from the family-style plate.
The Grilled Sea Bass was perfectly cooked and really quite good!, Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
The Grilled Sea Bass was perfectly cooked and really quite good!
The Cannellini Bean Ragout was quite good as well... and you should definitely give it a try, even if you don't like beans. The bean texture wasn't really "mealy" at all, and the mix of onion, garlic, peppers, and capers gave the Ragout an amazing flavor profile!, Wine Bar George, Disney Springs
The Cannellini Bean Ragout was quite good as well... and you should definitely give it a try, even if you don't like beans. The bean texture wasn't really "mealy" at all, and the mix of onion, garlic, peppers, and capers gave the Ragout an amazing flavor profile!