Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen

Photo Gallery for Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen

MAGIC KINGDOM  | There is 1 Review for Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen
Table Service (wait staff) | Click on any image to view larger.
The Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen listing is a Table Service (wait staff) dining location at Magic Kingdom featuring Asian - Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Latin American and African cuisine. There are 2 photos in the Mealtrip photo gallery for this location and dining period. The Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen listing currently has a score of 57 out of 100. Click here to read all of the reviews for this location, or log in to Mealtrip.com to add your own review for Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen.
The top of the Skipper Canteen building (there's no actual seating on the second floor)., Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen, Magic Kingdom
The top of the Skipper Canteen building (there's no actual seating on the second floor).
Concept photo Copyright ©Disney, Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen, Magic Kingdom
Concept photo Copyright ©Disney