Satu'li Canteen Breakfast

Photo Gallery for Satu'li Canteen Breakfast

ANIMAL KINGDOM  | There are 0 Reviews for Satu'li Canteen Breakfast
Counter Service (quick service) | Click on any image to view larger.
The Satu'li Canteen Breakfast listing is a Counter Service (quick service) dining location at Animal Kingdom featuring American cuisine. There are 10 photos in the Mealtrip photo gallery for this location and dining period. The Satu'li Canteen Breakfast listing currently has a score of out of 100. Click here to read all of the reviews for this location, or log in to to add your own review for Satu'li Canteen Breakfast.
It looks like the Satu'li Canteen will be serving breakfast too!, Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
It looks like the Satu'li Canteen will be serving breakfast too!
The food ordering and pickup area is quite large. A single line with stations splits off to five different registers., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
The food ordering and pickup area is quite large. A single line with stations splits off to five different registers.
The food ordering and pickup lines at Satu'li Canteen., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
The food ordering and pickup lines at Satu'li Canteen.
The large glass wall on the right hand side of this photo is where the main entrance door to Satu'li Canteen is located., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
The large glass wall on the right hand side of this photo is where the main entrance door to Satu'li Canteen is located.
The mess-hall style theme seems to be part nature and part mechanical., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
The mess-hall style theme seems to be part nature and part mechanical.
There is a good amount of covered outdoor seating at Satu'li Canteen., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
There is a good amount of covered outdoor seating at Satu'li Canteen.
There are two main "walls" where you will find beverage dispensers, napkins, and silverware along with a few condiments such as tobasco, ketchup and sugar., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
There are two main "walls" where you will find beverage dispensers, napkins, and silverware along with a few condiments such as tobasco, ketchup and sugar.
Yep, there's real silverware! It's a really nice touch actually, and makes it easy to forget that this is "counter service" dining., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
Yep, there's real silverware! It's a really nice touch actually, and makes it easy to forget that this is "counter service" dining.
There are grilled meats, even for breakfast, and the "red" room is where all of the grilling happens. This is a large double sided "Santa Maria" style grill where the grill grate can be raised or lowered by the giant wheel on the right., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
There are grilled meats, even for breakfast, and the "red" room is where all of the grilling happens. This is a large double sided "Santa Maria" style grill where the grill grate can be raised or lowered by the giant wheel on the right.
Partial provisional Satu'li Canteen Breakfast menu (May 2017)., Satu'li Canteen Breakfast, Animal Kingdom
Partial provisional Satu'li Canteen Breakfast menu (May 2017).