Electric Umbrella

Photo Gallery for Electric Umbrella

EPCOT  | There are 2 Reviews for Electric Umbrella
Counter Service (quick service) | Click on any image to view larger.
The Electric Umbrella listing is a Counter Service (quick service) dining location at Epcot featuring American cuisine. There are 4 photos in the Mealtrip photo gallery for this location and dining period. The Electric Umbrella listing currently has a score of 48 out of 100. Click here to read all of the reviews for this location, or log in to Mealtrip.com to add your own review for Electric Umbrella.
The Electric Umbrella Restaurant Sign by day., Electric Umbrella, Epcot
The Electric Umbrella Restaurant Sign by day.
The French Dip Burger at the Electric Umbrella combines an Angus Burger, Beef Brisket, Crispy Onions, and Muenster cheese., Electric Umbrella, Epcot
The French Dip Burger at the Electric Umbrella combines an Angus Burger, Beef Brisket, Crispy Onions, and Muenster cheese.
The Sausage and Pepper Sandwich is served with your choice of French Fries or Grapes., Electric Umbrella, Epcot
The Sausage and Pepper Sandwich is served with your choice of French Fries or Grapes.
Two slices of provolone cheese cover the Italian sausage, peppers, onions, and tomatoes in the Electric Umbrella's take on a Sausage and Pepper Sandwich., Electric Umbrella, Epcot
Two slices of provolone cheese cover the Italian sausage, peppers, onions, and tomatoes in the Electric Umbrella's take on a Sausage and Pepper Sandwich.